Friday, April 27, 2007

Fun times at Robinwood

We all had a great time learning new skills, facing new challenges and working as a team. Mrs Carroll and Mrs Clarke were really proud of the way Class 6 showed such good manners and maturity. You were a great team-well done! We will be producing an end of year disc so that you can have a copy of all of the photos. Watch this space for a few samples later!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Happy Easter

Hi everyone! We hope you are enjoying the holiday and are spending plenty of time relaxing. Sorry to mention revision but just wanted to remind how important it is for you to be doing your homework and revising at this time. REMEMBER though, just do a bit at a time and concentrate on the bits you are not sure about. Here is a link to BBC revisewise and here's one to Woodlands Juniors.
Good luck - keep going - it'll all be worth it.
Mrs Clarke and Mrs Carroll