Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Homework for 15th/16th January

Hi everyone. Remember that homework has changed slightly this term. Tuesday is still the day for getting your homework from me but the maths needs to be done and brought back into school the following MONDAY. It is really important you do this as we will be using part of Mondays' lesson to go through the questions set. This is to help us revise for the SAT's. Each week we will be revising a different aspect of maths building into a revision folder that can be used at home and school. All other 'Mrs Clarke' homework can be done by Tuesday as normal.

Go to this link and try the activity, read the factsheet and try the test. Let me know how many out of 13 you scored.

Billy Bug 2
If you enjoyed this activity in the ICT suite, why not try it at home. Click here.Can you better your score. Can anyone beat 57 seconds? Let me know.


Anonymous said...

I tried the test and got 12/13 It was the last one!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hiya Mrs Clarke

I went on billy bug and got 47 seconds. see if anyone can beat that

From Lauren Robinson

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mrs Clarke

I went on billy bug i got 59 seconds

Which is not bad i got 2 wrong

From Lauren Robinson